Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bullen
Mrs Fitzpatrick

Welcome, everybody! What a fantastic start to the school year we've had with our new and fabulous bunch of Year 6 chilren! Our class teachers in Year 6 are Mrs Bullen (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Fitzpatrick (Friday).
Right at the start of the Autumn term, our Year 6 pupils all wrote fantastic letters of application to Miss Groarke in their quest to become prefects for the year ahead. We were absolutely blown away by their positivity and commitment to our school community. We know we will be able to rely on them to take their duties seriously and set a wonderful example to our younger pupils in school.
In addition to this, we also have 2 wonderful class councillors who were voted for democratically after delivering very professional and mature speeches to their peers. They will represent the views of Year 6 on the School Council and be responsible for guiding our younger Council members during the year ahead. The staff are all very excited to work with them! Well done, Theo and Olivia! And one final well done to our wonderful House Captains Harry, Harrison, Ethan M and Elliot. They have been voted into the role by their fellow House members. We wish you all the best of luck for the year ahead!
All children should have their own, named water bottle in school EVERY DAY.
Homework books/diaries will be used most nights and should be well looked after. CGP homework books are usually due in the morning after homework is set. We strongly encourage our Year 6 pupils to be as independent as possible regarding homework in preparation for high school, so teaching them to use their homework diaries properly and get into good habits is a major priority this term!
Homework timetable (flexible):
Monday: Maths or Grammar from CGP workbooks - due Tuesday
Tuesday: Flexible (will often be tasks)
Wednesday: Maths or Grammar from CGP workbooks - due Thursday
Thursday: Sustained silent reading
Friday: Spellings (Ed Shed) to learn for test next Friday, and
Reading Comprehension (from CGP workbook) - due next Friday
Please ensure that an appropriate indoor/outdoor PE kit is in school at all times. PE sessions this half term are every Monday with Mrs Bullen and every Thursday with Coach Dave. Children should dress appropriately for the weather conditions by having something warm in their PE bags to use if needed.
Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us if you need anything - the key to success for our lovely children this year will most definitely be teamwork and establishing strong home-school links.
Many thanks,
Mrs Bullen & Mrs Fitzpatrick