Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dowler

Miss Billington

Welcome to Year One!

Welcome to Year 1! 

There are two class teachers in Year 1, Miss Billington Monday morning, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Dowler Monday afternoon and Friday. We are looking forward to getting to know you all and build some strong home-school links. Should you wish to get in contact, we can take short messages at the gate or you can email us using [email protected]  or [email protected].

Each week spellings and homework will be posted on Tapestry.

Reading books - New reading books will be sent home every Thursday and need to be returned the following Tuesday. Please record in your child's reading diary everytime they read.
Reading for Pleasure Books - Each week children will be able to choose a book from our mini class library to share at home. Children will be able to pick a new book every Wednesday if they return their previous book.
Homework book - This will be sent home every Thursday and should be returned the following Tuesday. We will be sending homework that consolidates learning from that week's lessons.
Spellings - On Mondays, we will be sending home weekly spellings with the spelling test taking place the following Monday.
Phonics - We will be sending home a weekly phonics sheet to consolidate learning that week. It is important the children practise reading the new sounds, new words, new tricky words and read the sentences at home.

Following the success of last year, we are continuing to use Tapestry in Year 1. Due to the nature of the curriculum, it will be used differently and we hope to develop this over the year. The key purpose of Tapestry is to keep the channels of communication open between home and school. We enjoy sharing the children's achievements and finding out more about each individual. You can access Tapestry on the link below.

Things to remember...
• PE kits are needed on Thursday and Friday but will remain in school until half term. Please ensure your child has an inside and outside kit that is clearly labeled and includes a pair of pumps AND trainers.
• Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle, with their name on, to school every day. This must only contain water.
• Please check that your child’s name is clearly labelled in all of their belongings.
• Book bags - Please send book bags in every day.


How to support progress?   
Being able to fluently read and decode the words on a page is only one side of creating lifelong readers. The other key part is comprehension. It is important that children understand what they have read and are able to convey this through discussion, retelling and by answering questions about a text. As children progress in their reading, as well as simple retrieval techniques, they will be expected to answer inference questions for which they are required to use information from the text to answer questions not always directly related or referred to within the text.  

 How often to read?   
Reading books will be sent home every Wednesday and should be returned Monday morning. The children should read this book as many times as possible to build up their fluency, prosody and comprehension.

Please check your Tapestry account frenquently as this is where we will send out regular updates and notifications to keep you in the loop.

We look forward to working with you in the year ahead.

The Year 1 team


Files to Download

Student Login

St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School. Manor Park South, Knutsford WA16 8AL

Tel: 01565 633637 | Email: [email protected]